DKos Over MTP
Like many I was initially crushed by the selection of David Gregory as the new host of Meet the Press. For 15 years, Tim Russert has been like a friend who I met for coffee every Sunday morning - and...
View ArticleFrank Rich: The Surging Populist Rage
In this morning's New York Times, Frank Rich writesabout a familiar theme here among economic diarists and readers, namely the catastrophic policies set forth in the 1999 repeal of the depression era...
View ArticleThis is American Capitalism at Work.
Well Wall Street is nervous this morning, but since Wall Street is driven by greed and fear and not much else, this is a very healthy sign. There has been too much optimism recently that fueled the...
View ArticleJoe Biden as Court Jester: Truth w/o Consequence
This is a hit and run diary just to get an idea out there that I cannot believe I am not hearing anywhere by any analyst in the traditional media. I don't think Biden's comments this morning were a...
View ArticleAbolish TU Status
I backed way off this site when Detocqueville got banned. His parting words left me rattled, about how this site has gone and how the admins have been behaving lately.One solution to a problem many old...
View ArticleSocialism? No, We Have Fascism.
Yesterday there was much ado about a "very scary" article by Sara Robinson declaring the United States "on the brink" of facsism. ...if you asked me today, I'd tell you that if we're not there right...
View ArticleHoyer Supports Public Option : Attacked by Anarchist
Brett Zongker at the AP (I know, the "Against Progressives" AP!), has an article today featured by Huffington Post stating that at a town hall (can we retire that silly term already people...) that he...
View ArticleA Public Option or Bust (w/poll)
Just because I have a small business, and even though I create good jobs for people on the ground, I am one of the under-insured because I can't do any better. I spend over 10% of my gross income every...
View ArticleObama Must Clean House & K-Street
I am not heartened to read Frank Rich this morning, whose piqued beltway-meets-cultural analysis voices much of what has been building in me and I think others like me who vested so much in the...
View ArticleWhere's Our Liberal Lion?
Why are we liberals/progressives always at the mercy of conservatives -- always the f-ing conservatives -- and never getting our big victories?We don't get our unfunded Iraq wars of choice.We don't get...
View ArticleGeorge Will: As Big A Fraud As Palin the "brilliant intellectual" George Will:Ryan's map connects three destinations — economic vitality, diminished public debt, and health and retirement security.To make the...
View ArticleBanks Want to Foreclose on You: Here's Why
I am a real estate broker, and as you can guess from my handle, in the (truly) great state of Texas. I watched this whole mortgage house of cards get built and I've watched it come crashing down. Here...
View ArticleHmmmm...
This is just a diary entry. I trust it will scroll off the page. But I hope a few people smarter than I will weigh in on such a possibility. Let me lay out my thoughts as a basis. [To be clear, this is...
View ArticleDeserving vs. Undeserving
You cannot expect reasonably for sanity to prevail in our politics. The uber rich have already won the class war, and they're systematically dismantling the middle class. Basically America had one...
View ArticleI Don't Know Anything
I really don't know anything about politics. I try and try to figure it out. One thing I know is that the wealthy in modern times, past 30 or more years, always win. And every economic chart bears that...
View ArticleA Hidden Boost to "The Re-Elect" in Tax Deal
This will be short because I can't find another place to discuss a small "tell" in an article from HuffPo this morning. The article is about how gas prices are likely to continue to rise in 2011 as the...
View ArticleMitt Romney: Private Sector Doing Fine & Other Mitt-tastic Gaffes This Morning
And by "Private Sector" I mean "Mitt's Sector," like he does...This morning on FTN:
View ArticleRomney Cabinet: All Women and Latinos
There is much media hand-wringing about "all the white men" Obama is nominating for open cabinet and other positions. There are suggestions he needs his own "binders full of women." Please.So far there...
View ArticleHuffPo's Wrong: It's Not a Crack in Citizens United, It's Affirmation has an article by Paul Blumenthal (above) as its lede this morning with the words, "The First Crack In Citizens United." I'm sorry, for those of you who read...
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